In which Justin turns 23 (September 21 ) and Bob becomes 54 (September 25) and we celebrate by inviting our KNUST friends to Sunday dinner September 23rd
Bob, Rebecca, Dr. Mensah, Martin, Justin, Wilson, Camille, Johannes and Jeremy relax after a good meal and much uplifting dinner conversation.
Rebecca kept Camille company with a couple of games of owari in the kitchen while waiting for the rice to finish cooking. And later posed for her obligatory Spot Picture.
Dr. Mensa and Johannes
Wilson and Martin
After Bob’s favorite meal of mashed potatoes, gravy, Kentucky fried tofu and spinach, we got into a few hands of our new favorite after dinner game “Big Two” taught to us by card shark Justin.
One birthday celebration idea that came to mind was s’mores. All we needed was some marshmallows. While we didn’t think we had much chance of finding marshmallows in Ghana, lo and behold, the always radical Nadville stocks them. As well as Cadbury chocolate and HobNobs which are the closest thing we’ve found yet to graham crackers.
Roasting marshmallows over the propane burner in the kitchen was a possiblity but we decided a charcoal fire on the deck would be much more fun. We\’d been talking about getting a little charcoal stove for insurance against running out of propane during a power outage which is highly likely given the city-wide gas shortage and frequent black outs. What better week to buy one than on the birthday week! We were happy to find one easily with the help of our friend Mr. Prince. The stove cost only 13 cedis ($6.50) and a giant bag of charcoal was only 11 cedis. No lighter fluid necessary – Justin just lit some waste cardboard which was already sitting in the burn pile. And the s’mores were delicious.
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