Shenandoah Orchard

Writer’s Break – A trip to a blooming apple orchard – April 27, 2014


Steph’s Pics

20140427StephPhotographer  Steph_0219

Steph_0227  Steph_0220Steph_0234

Steph_0246  Steph_0251

Stephanie had scoped out this photo op spot weeks ago as a place to return to after the trees had begun to bloom. Hoping we had the timing right, Stephanie drove us out to the orchard on a bright Sunday morning. As you can see, her instincts bore delicious fruit. These are just a few of Camille’s favorites from Stephanie’s photo shoot.


Cookie’s Pics

Steph_0226  20140427AppleBloom20140427OrchardBloom

20140427GreenOrchardAisle  20140427DifferentVarieties

20140427Homestead  20140427Truck

We’re looking at the same orchard through a different set of eyes and using a different camera. These kind of day trips were required to balance out hours spent editing old emails at the dining room table.


[Troutsfarm] * [April, 2014] * [Homegrown Food] * [Trail Crawl 2014] * [Spring Exuberance] * [Spring Shakori 2014] * [Writer’s Haven] * [Shenandoah Orchard]


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