In which Elodie invites Camille to go horse shopping in Obuasi and to her Green Ranch at Lake Bosumtwi to hang out. December 6 and 9, 2012
With Elodie at the wheel of her big blue truck, we were guaranteed a good time. The day started out wet but turned to sunny later on. Camille learned that the road to Obuasi is very holy, as full of potholes as a road can get and still be considered a road. Some of the potholes threatened to swallow the flatbed! The rain made them all the more dangerous, filling them with water so it was impossible to determine their depth. They are not shown here for obvious reasons as the photographer was hanging on for dear life.
Our mission was to take a good look at an Anglo-Arab mare who is in need of a good home. We found her in good health, enjoying a stress-free life on abundant pastures with her companions, three beautiful rams. Her owners feed them golden corn and ripe papaya, hand-cut, in the field.
Camille recognized some of the behavior we’ve seen in our goats at home, specifically the rolling of the upper lip to get a better feel for a particular smell. The mare was happy to get in on the act.
Elodie took the mare through her paces while Camille tried to decide what color she is. Camille’s best guess was Rose Grey until she asked what color she was at birth and found out that she started out white and has been darkening with age.
After an hour or so, it was time to tackle some of Elodie’s other imperatives, so she bid the mare farewell while the sheep looked on.
Next stop, Fahti and Malim’s home to say hello and get caught up. Malim keeps horses, some of which are now on Elodie’s ranch string. She used to ride up this very hill on Malim’s horses.
It was a good day, despite some unexpected trouble with the battery. Twice the truck wouldn’t start and both times, a bystander removed the battery from his vehicle and put in into the truck, then swapped it out after the engine turned over. Camille tried to imagine this happening in the States. As we prepared to leave, Elodie began to fret about the time and I noticed that the cows were already coming home. It was time we hightailed it on up the road, back through the arch and north towards Kumasi.
We were in evacuation mode, after an agro-chemical spill permeated the air in Kumasi. So we went to the lake and stayed up the road from Elodie’s Green Ranch. Here is a the view taken between Cocoa Village and Green Ranch. The flat, grassy area is used as a soccer field. A little further up the road is the ranch with it’s pastures and neem trees.. See if you can find the grazing horse.
It’s hard to imagine a happier baby than Simeon. Efia helps Elodie care for her son during the day. As does her father, Daniel who was visiting from France. Simeon’s dad, Kojo, (not pictured) was at work.
The Green Ranch is a full service guest house, offering lodging, meals and rides. The tile work is beautiful and if you look above the sink, you will see horses set into the wall.
It is wonderful to watch Elodie in her barn and so obvious she loves all of her beautiful horses.
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