Cashew Cheez


Cashews, raw – 2 cups
Sauerkraut juice – 1/2 cup or more
Nutritional Yeast – ¼ cup
Salt – ½ teaspoon
Coconut Oil, refined, warmed or melted – 1 cup


Soak cashews in just enough water to cover for 3-8 hrs

Soaked Cashews

Drain the cashews, discarding the water
Process cashews until smooth and creamy, using sauerkraut juice as needed

Ferment in glass, covered at room temperature 8-36 hrs
Warm coconut oil until it is liquid
Combine coconut oil, nutritional yeast, and salt with fermented cashews and stir until well blended
Add more yeast and salt to taste

Refrigerate (up to 2 weeks) or freeze. Use as a spread or in macaroni and cheez

2016 cost analysis – $6.54 pound

Yield: 1.2 pounds
Cashews from $8/lb (3 cups)
2 cups = $5.35
Coconut from Food Lion $5 for one pint (2 cups)
1 cup = $2.50

$7.85 for 1.20 pounds = $6.54 per pound

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