Biodiesel Coop Conference

Local Biodiesel: A Biodiesel Coop Conference

July 14, 15, & 16, 2006


On a pretty campus in a pretty town which generally smelled like fermenting hops because of the brewery there.  This was a fitting place for a symposium on brewing fuel.


This is the rig of one of the presenters. Audience and speakers came from as far away as Africa, Germany and Puerto Rico.


Some of the attendees were nice enough to bring their portable biodiesel factories for show and tell.

After listening to Frankie talk about his cone-bottomed tanks, we started thinking about how nice it would be to have a few of these ourselves.

The beauty of these rigs is that everything you need to make fuel is right there, including the extension cords.


This is where the  event coordinators spent most of their time.


We happened to catch event coordinators John Bush and GirlMark at the snack table but this was by no means where they spent most of their time.


The labels on the de-caffeinated and caffeinated coffee read, respectively, B20 and B100.


If you look closely, you will see people’s names on these plastic cups. It’s one thing to talk the talk but at this conference, they made a point of walking the walk.


The largest of four classrooms used over the course of two days.  A short program in this auditorium Friday evening set the tone of the conference with personal perspectives from the home brewer, the engineer, the educator, the community-based producer and small-scale producer, Bob.


Bob in the eye of the hurricane after giving his presentation on the Testing of Biodiesel Using Gas Chromatography. Bob is barefoot, which is something that  isn’t obvious in this photograph but caught the attention of many. This photo, courtesy of Graydon Blair.

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