Dickinson College Farm – May, 2012

Fun times at Dickinson College Farm frolfing and frolicking with little lambs


Dickinson Farm

Pennsylvania is known for its beautiful rolling hills and rich soil which explains why it is home to many Amish and Mennonite farms.


Camille and Hungry Boy  Hungry Boy and Camille

After we arrived at Dickinson College Farm, our friend Matt warmed up a bottle of milk and formula and took us over to feed the cutest little lamb ever. They named him Hungry Boy because he took to the bottle so willingly. Camille was obviously in her element feeding this darling creature his dinner.


Mama Ewe  Bottle Fed

Hungry Boy’s mother wishes she could feed him herself but had some complications and was unable. Happily, she is willing to share the chore and came over to hear her son’s eager slurping as he swallowed two quarts of milk.


Matt and Floppy  Hungry Boy Drinking

Matt massages Floppy, the other little lamb who needs bottle fed. Floppy is unable to stand and suckle from his mother. Since these two were born very close to each other, Matt introduced Hungry Boy to Floppy’s mom in the hopes that she would adopt him but she was not to be fooled. We offered the bottle to Floppy but it is too difficult for the little feller so back it went to Hungry. The interns have taken on the task of getting Floppy to eat because they have have the patience and know how.


Matt and Discs  Matt Driving

Matt helped design a new disc golf course in a park adjacent to the farm so we walked over there after feeding Hungry and he and Bob played a round.


Bob Pitches

That tricky Bob pitches a shot from underneath a spruce tree. The rule is that you must have your foot in the spot where the disc landed. What you do with the rest of your body is up to to you.


Orphan Teddy  Road Kill Teddy Bear

This Hanging Teddy reminded us of the Roadkill Teddy we saw beside the Cabin John Bridge a few days earlier so we photographed it as well.


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