We moved to Ghana a year ago to join our friend Jeremy in Kumasi. Since then, many other friendships have blossomed and we find ourselves continually meeting new and fascinating people.
Jeremy sits outside the Valco Fund Hostel where Nauzley lives. Ironically, the hostel in was founded by Valco, the company that Bob’s father ran back in the \’60’s.
Allison and Jeremy join Nauzley in her tidy, well-stocked and functional kitchen/living room. Behind them on the counter to the left, in its very own holder sits Nauzley’s most prized possession – a battery-operated milk frother. Camille was taken by a wooden sculpture of a woman in thought that she found resting on Nauzley’s book case.
We were impressed by the motivational quotes on Nauzley’s black board. She told us she often sits in the chair across the room and contemplates her inspiring quotes. Jeremy grabbed a teddy bear and gave it a try.
Here’s what is written on Nauzley’s blackboard:
“You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You were not meant for crawling, so don’t. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly. – Rumi
“Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light.” – Albert Schweitzer.
Last month we toured Italo’s Modern Wood Technologies plant. This month, Steve invited us to tour the Guinness Brewery. We gathered in the board room for a safety briefing. After the briefing, we learned that the Kumasi plant has a newer, sister plant in Accra and that they produce Guinness, Malta, Star, and Ghana’s first Cassava Beer, Ruut Extra Premium Beer. We were particularly excited by the Ruut because it makes use of locally grown ingredients.
There were a gaggle of us queued up in our protective eyeware. Front row from left: Allison, Ellen, Elvira, Mano, Danni. Back row: Sala, Sarah, Jane, Laura, Bob, Camille and Steve.
And into the plant we went, careful to watch where we stepped. Steve was an excellent guide. It was obvious he enjoys his job. He told us the first task of each work day was tasting the different brews for flavor. So many things can go wrong with a batch of beer and given the size of these tanks, a spoiled brew represents a big investment. Inside the plant, we were invited to the tasting room where we sampled several brews. The Ruut was surprisingly clear and had a clean, crisp taste.
We threw a potluck dinner in honor of our good friend, Nauzley who brought two new friends for us to enjoy; Ingrid and Kirsten, .
We\’d been hearing about Kirsten and finally got to meet her as she travels quite a bit for her work. It was obvious that she and Nauzley are good friends. Bob gave Nauzley a wooden sculpture to remember us by. He said it personified her ability to carry a heavy weight while standing straight and balanced, a good description of her year in Kumasi.
[Latest] * [Troutsfarm] * [Camille’s 59th Birthday] * [Obroni Friends] *[The Kumasi Zoo] * [Aburi Botanical Gardens] * [Accra Revisited]