Spot Photos – 2013


A tradition of silliness involving two zebras, the Mini Spot in Kumasi, Ghana and the life-sized Spot in North Carolina. Can you find yourself? Can you spot the lucky person who had her photo taken with both Spots?


20131215SpotNauzley  20131219SpotMattShannon


20131011MarvilSpot 20130908SpotLinda


  20130716SpotAriana  20130713SpotTim

20130709SpotCarolynLaura  20130712SpotMelanie

20130523SpotAllison  20130625SpotJay

20130608SpotJeanne  20130625SpotKirstenIngrid

20130529SpotDaniel  20130531SpotSala

20130409SpotMorgan  20130409SpotNate








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