John and Darla, first to get married
John and Darla met in High School and have been together ever since. Therefore, Darla has long been a part of the family. Darla‘s parents and grandparents lived close by and therefore are also very much a part of our family history. Here they are at Darla‘s parents house with brother Robert.
Darla brought our first niece into the world, Janice and John‘s first grandchild, Aphia in 1978.
Charity came next in 1980 and then Brandon three years later.
Charity and Darla at the farmhouse and with grandma Janice.
Aphia with great grandmother Helen and Charity in their green velvet dresses. Circa 1982
Brandon has always been a happy fellow.
1985 – Rochester
Rochester, 1985
John with two of Charity and Brandon‘s children Alanna and Lydia – 2012
2012 Family Reunion with Darla‘s family. Darla‘s mother and father are in the third row back, Dolora in a blue dress with white polka dots and Sonny in a white shirt behind her. Darla sitting on the curb on the left. John in the back row slightly right of center in a blue shirt.
The family all grown up. Charity, Brandon, Darla, John and Aphia – February, 2013