September 1960 – Bob sits in the high chair next to his older brother Jim on his second birthday.
Like all young men of his generation, Bob loved dinosaurs and trains. He knocked his front teeth out on the terazzo floor – beautiful, durable, cool, and hard.
New Orleans where Bob graduated from Kindergarten.
Bob outside his parent‘s home in New Orleans.
Bob moved to Ghana when he was nine years old. His father‘s work took the family to Accra where he ran Valco Aluminum. His mother became very close to Bob‘s English teacher, Mrs. Connelly shown with her Valco School class on the left and Bob became best friends with Dee. Young Bob is on the far right of the front row with Dee standing behind him in the picture on the left and the two stand together with their ninth grade diplomas in the photo on the right.
TASIS – The American School in Switzerland (Lugano). Bob went off to boarding school when he was nearly 15 to the same school his brothers had attended. It was a beautiful spot and Bob made life long friends. Here he is relaxing in his dorm room.
An abandoned house on Herman Hesse‘s property in Montagnola, Switzerland where TASIS students used to go to hang out, drink beer, and be teenagers.
Tasis roommate Tod and Bob on the beach in Ghana in December 1975. On the right, Bob thinking he‘s pretty cool with a switchblade at the Valco Club in 1974.
Bob and Tod in “Mushroom Meadows”(Montagnola Switzerland) in the fall of 1975. They had hiked up with their friend Henry to discovery some of the wonders of nature.
Bob doesn’t take himself too seriously. Whether hanging around or modelling a war helmet. Both in Ghana in 1975.
Ned, Bob‘s college roommate at a concert.
Colorado (early 1980’s) – Jumping into frigid Boulder Creek. Bob chose to go to University in Colorado because the mountains reminded him of Switzerland.
Indian Peaks Widerness (Colorado) 1977 – Camping with Chia, his “Malamutt”Husky.
Bob‘s camping experiences served him well later in life when he became a jungle guide and outfitter. This was a trip he took with his friend from TASIS – Henry – and his van up near Evergreen (Colorado) in about 1979.