John – first born son


John was born while Janice and John were living in a garden apartment in Bergenfield. When he was 5 weeks old, they bought a two-bedroom house in Bergenfield for $14,000 which is where this picture was taken.

1958CamilleJohn  1960JohnMotherJanice

As many first-borns do, Camille embraced John as her very own. The photo of John and his mother Janice was taken in City Island.

1960EasterJohnRobertCamilleAtlanticHighlands  1960sJohnCamille

Easter Sunday with Robert and Camille at Helen‘s house.

1974John  1972JohnChurchPicnic

1970‘s – High School Graduation and volunteering at a church picnic.

1970sCamilleJohn  1970sJohn

Sometime in the 1970s Camille, Darla and John got together for a trip to the shore to reconnect with their Jersey short roots. When John was 14 years old, the family moved from New Jersey to Pennsylvania.

1970sor80sJohn  1970sor80sJohnRochester

These may have been taken in Rochester probably mid 70’s. 1975 would be a good guess.

1976JohnCross  1976John

1976 or later. John embraced Christian ethics that would serve him throughout his life.


John and Darla – 1970’s. They met in high school and began their life together after Darla graduated from High School. They moved to upstate New York and later returned to Pennsylvania.

1985JohnCourtland  1985John

1985 – in Courtland for grandmother Doris’ funeral and at home in Rochester.


John and Darla with their three grown children Charity, Brandon and Aphia in February, 2013

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