A gem in our midst, nonprofit Abundance North Carolina tirelessly pursues community resilience and fun – June 6 and 22, 2016
During a potluck at The Plant, we were asked to address the question of how Abundance can best serve the community in the years ahead. We broke into groups and brainstormed, then moved to a different group and continued the conversation.
Rooms were filled with Abundance powerhouses. Deep thought ensued until a faint aroma of smoke hung in the air.
After two rounds, team captains read their top three ideas to the group. Abundance, thank you for considering our thoughts!
A couple of weeks later a small group gathered at the craft queen’s to hand make recognition ribbons to honor Abundance supporters at their upcoming 10th Anniversary party. Although David worked as hard as Shelley and Sarah, he snatched up his beer to make it look as if he wasn’t working as soon as Camille got behind the camera.
Hannah has become indispensable to Abundance NC, she is the glue to keep things together, the drummer with the beat. As you can see, the awards turned out beautiful.
Tami savors the accomplishment before returning to the table for more work. Half a dozen dedicated staff, board members, and supporters cut and glued together a total of seventy-five awards. Tami has a talent for appearing calm in the center of big activity. We have learned that she actually creates the storm around her.
Learn more about what Abundance NC does and why on their website: Abundance NC