Nayoro, Japan - February 11-13, 2009
The Concept
The Team
Leon Laucirica, Steve Mercia and Randy Amys
Day One
"Greetings from Cold Nayoro!
"What a perfect start to an awesome event. With temperatures around 28 we started the day carving out the unwanted snow. Our first day went well and we even finished up early enough to sit in the hot tub and rest our weary bones. We look forward to sharing "Spokes" with you with these conditions it should turn out well. We may even have the opportunity to incorporate a kinetic side to this piece." - Randy Amys
Day Two
"Today things were rolling right along. The photos show the progress we made. Looking forward to spending all of tomorrow working on the details and making this one fly!
The weather is cooperating perfectly. We will see what tomorrow brings.
The next photos you receive will be the finished piece." - Randy Amys
The Finished Piece
"The competition ended with some amazing pieces taking shape. What perfect conditions to carve rolling snow sculptures. "Spokes" is fueled up and ready to roll. Here are the photos of the finished piece. Hope you all enjoy it as much as we did carving it." - Team USA Colorado, Randy, Steve & Leon
The Winners
3rd Place
Japan Sapporo
2nd Place
1st Place
Japan, Mizayaki
People's Choice
Team USA Colorado!
Japan Nayoro
Japan University Alumni
The End of the Day
Thanks for all your support. Now, it's time to celebrate!
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